Some cursory snippets from the past two years. The video was made for some applications but I’ll leave it up here until I make a proper website entry for each work.

Recall Tree

’Recall Tree’ is a work that considers the futility of remembering.

Emulating how a brain recreates (and distorts) memory with each recollection, this piece is the product of multiple iterations of recreation and conversion. Software to software. Machine cutting to hand glueing. 

The trace of the tree comes from my first home. A place I desperately wish to return to, but can do so only through the layers of my diminishing memories. To recreate is to try to fix something, to hold it in time where I can keep it safe. 

I scan the form of the tree and recreate it in 3D modelling software. I bring it through three seperate programs, and each time the form changes slightly, loses resolution, mutates. 

Finally I submit some six hundred pieces for cutting and reconstruct it by hand. Like the Argo ship, the pieces have all been swapped out, changed completely but for its timeline.


mdf + pva, 80cm x 60cm

november 2019



Our culture tells us to do many things, often contradictory.

steel, painted acrylic filters, theatre light system. 250cm x 50cm

may 2019


Choices Choices


‘Choices Choices’ is an anxiety stimulator.


>You sit on a  bed and operate a computer. 

>The computer displays a statement in bold text that informs you::

>It’s time to start your day

>You have two choices 

>Each choice you make is carefully watched by an audience,


They are judging your every decision. 

participants, laptop, projector, mattress, pillow, blanks, chair

april 2019


For Public Use

(A collaborative piece with Ivana Falcongreen)‘For Public Use’ considers the lack of public spaces for human interaction . As shared spaces are increasingly commercialised, how do we build an infrastructure that encourages human connectivity? R…

(A collaborative piece with Ivana Falcongreen)

‘For Public Use’ considers the lack of public spaces for human interaction . As shared spaces are increasingly commercialised, how do we build an infrastructure that encourages human connectivity? 

Referencing the common utility of the glory hole or public toilet, ‘For Public Use’ is a playful suggestion for local councils.

Innocently, the box directs two participants to hold hands and watch an intimate video through a peep hole, all within the anonymity of the public space. 

‘For Public Use’ was produced for the VCA first year Sculpture and Spatial practice show.

participants, projector, laptop, wood, cement render, screws, nails, wire. 200cm x 70cm x 70cm

april 2019


Amniotic Entropy


(wax, steel, enamel paint, projector, wood. 200cm x 100cm x 80cm)

november 2013